Stealth video games are one of my favorite genre’s, but even I have to admit that most of the time they make no sense. We can all forgive “video game-y” things like a 3rd person camera or enemies not be able to see you from more than ten feet away. But some stuff in stealth games really does make you scratch your head.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Seeing Through Walls
This is become a mainstay in steal games recently, and it doesn’t make any sense. You can press a button to activate “instincts” or “senses” mode, or whatever the game calls it, and you can magically see enemies through walls and other solid objects. Sometimes you have to “tag” enemies first, but even still, it makes no sense that you can see these enemies at all times. Understandably it’s about allowing the player to plan their movements and not have to worry about getting spotted out of nowhere. At the best of times it breaks immersion, and at the worst of times it makes going undetected far too easy.