No Man’s Sky is a great game, don’t get us wrong- it’s an amazing experience unlike anything else in the industry, and the more time we spend with the game, the more we like it. It’s just that it is ultimately not a perfect game- and as such, it makes a fair few mistakes along the way, mistakes that stand out even more in contrast to the game’s staggering ambition.
These are not mistakes that make No Man’s Sky a bad game- most of the times, they barely detract from the experience at all. But they’re still problems with the game, and they still are something that players don’t like most of the times. Hopefully, these are all addressed by the developers in updates going forward. Until then, here are fourteen things about the game that players don’t like.
Note: This list is in random order. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
We’re going to start with the biggest problem we have with the game- and unlike most of what follows on the list, this problem is big enough to have impeded our enjoyment of the title. The FoV of No Man’s Sky is terrible on the PS4- it’s too narrow, and everything is too zoomed in. This means that for the more motion sick among our numbers – including yours truly – the FoV can actually induce nausea bad enough that one needs to play the game in short bursts. It’s a shame, because the world of No Man’s Sky demands exploration at length- but the motion sickness can get bad enough to keep you from actually doing that. The fact that the PS4 version doesn’t let you adjust the FoV – we know the PC version will have this option – adds insult to injury. Really, one of the most pressing things for Hello Games to do is to add an FoV slider to the options menu of the PS4 version of No Man’s Sky.