When popularity of a specific brand name increases, it’s obvious that the number of detractors and haters will follow suit. The more popular a game or a franchise is these days, the more people find fault with it, and the more people seem to hate it, for some reason or another. I’m not saying that hate is absolutely undeserved- a lot of the criticism these franchises get is completely valid. What I’m saying is that they get more hate than they actually deserve. So here’s a list of 8 such franchises, that get way more hate than they actually deserve.
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1. Mass Effect
Sure, Mass Effect moved away from the RPG conventions, and sure, Mass Effect 3 doesn't have the ending everyone was hoping for. But they're still awesome games. Each and every Mass Effect game is very highly rated and is clearly very well made. It's not a cash cow that EA milks by releasing every single year, they're not half-assed, rushed releases. They're great, very well made games. A BIT of the hate is valid, sure, but most of it seems highly unfair.