For every cool moment out there and for every well designed environment that makes us feel all the more immersed in a game’s universe, there are levels that remind us that we are indeed playing a game. Stages, that serve to frustrate and annoy us.
Elements of the game that take us out of the experience completely when they don’t make us want to toss the controller like a frisbee. Of course, there are some notoriously challenging final boss fights with crazy lead-ups with their multi-part shenanigans. So join us as we count down to the 100 challenging levels/stages in gaming. We also included some particularly frustrating set pieces and mission types that occur more than once in the same game. Rest assured, the pain isn’t any more dulled though.
But do keep in mind that some of the games we list are actually really fun to play. Think of these more as warning signs when playing said games.
Do you agree with our list? Do you have anything else to add? Let us know in the comments section below.
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100. Okami Ark of Yamato
It's not terrible per say, which is why it's number 100, but most of it is just filler, filler, filler leading up to the final confrontation.