Having unveiled the next generation of handhelds at last year’s E3 with the 3DS, Nintendo have done it again by unveiling the Wii U: The first of a new generation of gaming. The Wii U marks the 8th generation of games consoles, but it also marks another kind of gaming revolution with its unique controller design.
Wii U Reveal
Wii U Games Reveal
Considering how Nintendo changed the way we game with the motion controlled Wii back in 2006, it seems that the tablet based action of the Wii U will be no different. If you still need convincing, here are ten reasons why Nintendo’s new home console will be worth your hard earned cash.
Dual analogue sticks
The best things come in small packages. I enjoyed using the Wii remote in shooting games on occasion, but there were many times when I really wanted to revert to the standard control schemes I know and love. Whilst this wasn’t possible with the Wii, anything is possible with the Wii U. Though the tablet controller will offer motion control schemes, the dual analogue sticks and four shoulder buttons will allow a more tactile input method for when the need arises. Sometimes you just can’t get the headshot without buttons and joysticks.
Gaming with no interruptions
It seems you can never pick a good time to game on a family TV set. If you’re lucky enough to have your own TV then good for you, but many of us know the pain of interruptions just as we start to really lay the smack down on Ganondorf. No more however, as the Wii U seems set to allow players to transfer the game from the big screen to the controller’s built in monitor at any time. Whilst this most likely won’t be compatible with all games, it seems like it will be an incredibly helpful feature for those games that offer it. Now you can let your plebeian siblings/parents/spouse enjoy their drivel in peace whilst you get your game on.
Better hardware
I have some fond memories of gaming on the Wii, but there were many times when I wanted to throw it out the window. Why are these graphics so mediocre? Why the hell can’t I output in HD? Nintendo seem to have listened to these problems, with HD outputs now adorning the back of their new console. Though specific graphical capabilities have yet to be revealed at the time of writing, you can bet your bottom dollar that they’ll eclipse the lacklustre visuals that the Wii offered.