Apex Legends has been doing remarkably well. Not only does it have millions of players, but it has taken Twitch by storm too. And if you thought its flare up on the Twitch charts was just temporary, well it seems like you might have been wrong. Rather, the game seems to be moving from strength to strength.
Twitch tracker Gamoloco reports on Twitter that Apex Legends was viewed for a cumulative 8.4 million hours on February 12. This beats the previous recorded high of 7.2 million hours viewed on Twitch in a single day by Fortnite, during its Season 5 launch last year. Gamoloco attributes the incredible viewership on February 12 on Respawn’s “Twitch Rivals” event which was held on that day.
Assuming that Apex Legends maintains this kind of growth and popularity, we could actually see it being a legitimate threat—even if to a small degree—to Fortnite. It’s clear that EA’s decision to rely on it for this quarter was a good one, at any rate.
After you have read the infographic below, you won't be surprised to learn @PlayApex has recorded the best launch ever on @Twitch.#BattleRoyale #Viewerships #Impact pic.twitter.com/yJ7pQ3MDum
— GAMOLOCO (@Gamoloco) February 13, 2019