If you are a die-hard Batman fan or have become one after playing Batman Arkham Asylum, by now you would have already watched the debut trailer of Batman Arkham Asylum 2. If you would have had a look at the trailer, it seems Joker has shifted his playground out of the Asylum now. It would be interesting to see Batman taking down Joker Thugs in the Gotham city with a larger environment available for stealth action, also different landscapes which could come handy within the Gotham city to stage battles between Batman and his arch enemies.
Since Two-Face and Penguin are also believed to make an appearance in the game, I wonder if it doesn’t get too much crowded with Killer Croc, Zsaz and Scarecrow alternate endings we saw at the end of Batman Arkham Asylum, let’s hope the addition to the villain gang is more fun than confusion. If we are going to have the penguin then Batman is surely going to have a level in sewers here, which may also fit the environment for Killer Croc and it would be interesting to see if Two-Face is going to get a solo boss fight with Batman or is he going to team up with some other baddie. I would also love to see if Batman gets a level in the game to use his Bat Plane and yes we did get to see the Batmobile in the first version of the game however it would be exciting enough drive through the Gotham streets in the night cleaning up some thugs or maybe cut loose on a chase mission.
RockSteady studios could do so much with a limited environment available as Arkham Prison, the possibility of taking Batman Arkham Asylum sequel to the next level is very much possible, in fact they can drop the Arkham Asylum title and consider rebranding the game title. Well my mind is running on many fronts here are few things that came to my mind:
- Including side quests similar to those in GTA series, which would probably allow gamers to access the Gotham City with time based missions.
- Time based stealth missions in the city could be included, where one needs to be fast but not furious, stealth is the key.
- Maybe introduce Bruce Wayne to the game, I think we need to allow some time to Batman to shed his suit off, between Batman badly needed a shave in the last game he really had a long night fighting inside Arkham, also Bruce Wayne as a character could fit such a scenario where he could be attending or hosting a party or an event, on this plot he could embark on detective mission.
- What if Rocksteady studios could stage a fight between the Batman and Joker this time inside a miniature automated model of Gotham City, where Batman and The Joker were giants which featured in the Batman animated movie : Mask of the Phantasm
Joker does look more menacing in the trailer, with smokey eyes and a laughter that seems more dreaded now waiting to engage Batman in another cat and mouse game, Warner Brothers have decided to distribute this game worldwide, taking over the responsibility from Eidos.
So peeps post your ideas and suggestions what you would like to see in the next version of Batman game, I am just going to count days the moment this title is going to be dated.