This week the VIP Map Pack 3 will be available to anyone who has bought the game new or purchased the VIP Content Package for $15 which will include the previous map packs and future ones. Squad Deathmatch will be playable on the Nelson Bay map, where players will have to fight to control the M3A3 Bradley tank if they want to win. You will also be able to play Squad-Rush on the Laguna Alta map. Once again we are not seeing any new maps for the game but it is free content which is always better than no content at all. Surely DICE will presumably release new maps which one would assume will cost money, not as much as money as say $15 though ::cough:: Modern Ware fare 2 ::cough::
The Map Pack will be available on June 9th. In addition to this map pack the 4 player ‘Onslaught’ Co-op mode will also be coming soon to Battlefield: Bad Company 2. View more details and a trailer for that here. Check out the trailer promoting the third VIP Map Pack below: