The upcoming Quantic Dream developed, David Cage helmed Beyond: Two Souls might be a PlayStation 3 exclusive, with nary a PlayStation 4 version in sight, but the game apparently still benefitted greatly from the PS4 development process, and the ensuing feedback, reports the New York Daily News.
“It’s the reason it looks the way it looks,” said Quantic Dream co-CEO de Fondaumiere of Beyond. “High-definition rendering was something we thought was not possible to that level on the PlayStation 3. We found ways to easily do that on the PlayStation 4. We thought, ‘Wow, my God, if we could do it on the PS3.'”
He continued, “Some of the graphical features and elements of Beyond are clearly inspired by our new engine on the PlayStation 4.”
Well, okay, that’s well and good, but by implying that they could achieve their admittedly impressive technical ambition on the generationally behind PlayStation 3, Quantic Dream may have inadvertently undermined the PS4. Oh well.