Experience the world as a child would in this Move compatible title.
Power of the Wii U.
Join Sir Hammerlock on an introductory tour of Borderlands 2.
Beatdown by T.J Ward.
Asynchronous multplayer mode.
And a chance to win a piece of it.
The next generation Freelancer? One would hope.
Large realms, a deep narrative and tons of hackery in store.
Five all-new multiplayer maps ends season of content.
One. Freaking. Hour.
One word: wow.
Have a look at the first trailer here.
Now available for XBL, PSN and Steam.
Or something like that.
PS3 games at an affordable price.
The browser based hex game set in the world of BattleTech.
Some info on Kasumi.
Raise the regimental banner and beat the drums of war.
It took them this long after Pokemon, but it sure looks cool.