With memories of gamescom 2012 fading fast, it’s time to take our eyes London-ward for this year’s Eurogamer Expo at Earl’s Court. Today Company of Heroes 2 has been announced as playable to the public for the first time, anywhere, ever.
Naturally we’ve already played it already, being the upstanding members of the gaming community that we are, hint: it might just be better than the first game- with our gamescom hands-on will be going live later this week.
Not only that, but developer Relic Entertainment hosting developer session on Saturday 29th September to showcase even more of the game. Also also, everyone who plays the game at the show or views the developer session will also a surprise gift.
The Eurogamer Expo will be returning to London’s Earls Court from 27th-30th September 2012 and is expected to welcome over 50,000 gamers, making it the biggest Eurogamer Expo yet. Company of Heroes 2 will be playable on the show floor throughout the event.
Tom Bramwell, Eurogamer’s Operations Director is looking forward to the game: “Company of Heroes is one of the best real-time strategy games ever made and the sequel looks stunning already, so we’re really happy that gamers will get to play it first at this year’s Eurogamer Expo.
“THQ and Relic are going all out to make sure attendees have a great time with a special surprise in store for people who play the game and watch the developer session.”
The Eurogamer Expo takes place 27th-30th September 2012 at Earls Court, London, and promises more playable games than ever (including a large number of UK first-plays), our highest-profile developer session schedule, as well as a number of satellite events including the Games Industry Fair.