DmC: Devil May Cry is out and considering it’s a sophisticated fighting game, there were going to be a lot of things that you simply can’t find in your first playthrough. That’s where we come in though.
The game has been getting incredible scores, and Ninja Theory should be pleased with their work, considering the amount of hate they got when the game was first revealed. It must feel good to shut up vocal fans who were adamant that Ninja Theory couldn’t do a good job.
In this guide, you will find everything you want to get for a platinum trophy or 1000 achievements, including secrets and Easter Eggs. Let’s start with the number of achievements in the game and how to get the hard ones. Don’t worry they aren’t full of text, you can watch cool videos for that.
The game officially comes out today and our review has been slightly delayed due to unforeseen circumstances but it will be up soon.
Achievements and Trophies
Time to go to work guys! (10 G)
You purchased your first upgrade.
Come on Puppy. Let’s go! (20 G)
You have defeated the Hunter.
Thing drives me crazy (10 G)
You have acquired Osiris.
Only kind of gift worth giving (10 G)
You have acquired the Angel Boost ability.
Flock off, feather-face! (20 G)
You have defeated the Tyrant .
It’s got to stay in the family (10 G)
You have acquired Arbiter.
This baby sure can pack a punch (20 G)
You have acquired Eryx.
He’s a demon too (10 G)
You helped Phineas by retrieving his eye.
You are not a Human, are you? (10 G)
You have acquired the Devil Trigger ability.
No talking! (20 G)
You have acquired Aquila.
More than just a few sparks (10 G)
You have acquired Revenant.
Whatever, Lady (20 G)
You have defeated Mundus’ spawn.
You’re not going to shoot me (10 G)
You have acquired Kablooey.
It’s time to finish this! (10 G)
You helped Vergil open the Vault.
Cleaning up his Dad’s mess (20 G)
You have defeated Mundus.
The end? Don’t bet on it (40 G)
You defeated Vergil on any difficulty.
Looks like it’s your lucky day (10 G)
You completed a level without taking any damage.
Every hero has a weakness (10 G)
You completed Furnace of Souls without taking damage from the furnace.
It’s only the rain (10 G)
You Killed 10 enemies by pushing them into the Hurricane ride.
A man with guts and honor (10 G)
You reached the end of the descent on Mission 6 having killed all of the enemies.
Now my coat’s all charred (10 G)
You navigated the Sky Bridge without hitting the lasers.
Where does the time go? (10 G)
You completed a level in 2 minutes or less.
For Tony Redgrave (10 G)
You killed 50 enemies using nothing but firearms.
In the name of my father (10 G)
You killed 100 enemies using nothing but Demon weapons.
You’ll never have her fire (10 G)
You killed 100 enemies using nothing but Angel weapons.
Impressive (10 G)
You have slayed 100 Demons.
Bring it on! (20 G)
You have slayed 1,000 Demons.
Looks like we have a winner (30 G)
You have slayed 5,000 Demons.
Sensational! (10 G)
You gained a SSS Style Rank during combat.
It’s showtime. Come on! (20 G)
You earned 1,500 Style Bonuses.
This is my kind of rain (10 G)
You have spent 10,000 Red Orbs.
Absolutely crazy about it (20 G)
You have Spent 50,000 Red Orbs.
Let’s rock, baby! (10 G)
You have upgraded Dante’s health to maximum.
You can’t handle it (10 G)
You have upgraded Dante’s Devil Trigger to maximum.
Power… Give me more power! (20 G)
You have purchased all of Dante’s combat upgrades.
Dude, the show’s over! (10 G)
You have found all 21 Keys.
Let’s welcome chaos! (10 G)
You have opened all 21 Secret Doors.
And you are set free (10 G)
You have found half of the Lost Souls.
Fill your dark soul with light (20 G)
You have found all of the Lost Souls.
Keeps getting better and better (40 G)
You have been awarded a 100% completion rank on all missions.
Stylish! (10 G)
Completed a mission with a SSS rank.
Too easy! (40 G)
Completed all missions on the Son of Sparda difficulty.
Devils never cry (100 G)
Completed all missions on the Dante Must Die difficulty.
This is what I live for! (10 G)
Completed all missions on Heaven Or Hell difficulty.
And welcome to Hell! (100 G)
Completed all missions on Hell and Hell difficulty.
Jackpot! (80 G)
Completed all missions on the Nephilim difficultly with a SSS rank.
This party’s just getting crazy! (20 G)
You have completed 10 of the Secret Missions.
One hell of a party! (50 G)
You have completed all of the Secret Missions.
We have a guide of collectibles for every mission in the game. They aren’t that important for the core experience, however, if you want to complete the game fully then it is required.
There are some mission based spoilers here and almost all the missions are given below, again, credit to YouTube user Powerpyx, and these videos kind of demonstrate how much depth the game has, of course, all the DmC games had depth, so this isn’t surprising.
It is not possible to get all the achievements and trophies in one playthrough so you need to get all the collectibles in your first playthrough.
Check out the videos below.
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 1 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 2 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 3 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 4 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 5 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 6 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 7 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 8 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 9 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 11 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 13 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 15 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 16 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 17 – All Collectible Locations
DmC: Devil May Cry – Mission 18 – All Collectible Locations
Random Easter Egg, Ninja Theory trolls Dante fans:
Tameem Antoniades of Ninja Theory knows that people hate him, and by people I mean, Devil May Cry fans who may or may not be “people”, and just humans living in a basement practicing combos and eating cheetos. OK, that was harsh, but hey, when you send death threats to the developer you kind of lose all respect for these fans.
This is something that is pretty hilarious as Ninja Theory wants to poke a little fun at people who wanted slight cosmetic changes and made a big deal out of it.
check out the video below which shows the old Dante making fun of the new.
HD Video Walkthrough
We have the walkthrough for the game if you get stuck or just need to see specific collectible and their locations. This is only the first part so click on the link and head over to our walkthrough page.
Complete DmC: Devil May Cry with the help of this HD video walkthrough and game guide.
Dante has three forms: human, angel and demon. As we wrote on our wiki here, there are a lot of weapons Dante can use and these range from Swords from heavy weapons like the Axe, which can be used depending on circumstances.
It is really easy to switch between weapons here and everything can be accomplished with the use of L2 and R2 buttons on the PS3, similar for the Xbox 360 version. In the game, Dante has to switch weapons to take care of enemies which are diverse.
It’s kind of like the older DmC games but the amount of weapons available to Dante are a bit limited here when you start out. There are new weapons that can be obtained as you keep playing the single-player campaign.
His main weapon is the Rebellion sword which kind of looks like this. You can use this in the human form.
Here’s a list of all the weapons we know so far.
Ebony and Ivory
Dante has two separate weapons, symbolizing his angel and devil sides, that he can summon for strong and area attacks. One is Osiris, an “angel weapon” scythe that charges up over time and is good for crowd control.
The other is the Arbiter, an enormous demonic axe that is good for dealing out powerful damage. Combine those with the ability to grapple enemies in the air and pull yourself towards them, as well as launching your opponents into the air, and there’s a whole new combat game going on.
DmC training combo videos
Much like Bayonetta you can practice combos during loading screens which is a pretty cool thing. Here’s how it looks like.
Note: This guide will be updated once we have more material on the game.