It may be hard to believe in a time when modern and futuristic shooters are the norm, but there was once upon a time when World War 2 shooters were all the craze. They were a dime a dozen, and it was hard to stand out. But one series that did manage to do so was Brothers in Arm. The games took an ultra realistic approach to combat and strived to be as historically as accurate. It was beloved, but there’s not been a new entry in many years. Gearbox knows there’s demand, though, apparently.
In an interview with Wccftech, Gearbox Producer Randy Varnell was asked about the franchise, saying that it has been floating around. He offered no real details or ideas about a new entry, but said “we would love to do something else there.”
While it’s interesting they are acknowledging the series, it’s hard to read much into it. There’s been talks of the publisher wanting to ‘do something’ with the franchise going back to 2015. While there was talks of a new game coming in 2018, the company has been silent since then. Is something actually coming from this series?