You know, in our haste to pass judgement on the video games that are released on the market, I think we often tend to forget just how much work and effort goes into them- people literally pour years of their lives into making these games, they represent a lot of effort. It is not surprising that crunch time during game development can be stressful- stressful enough to even move industry veterans to displays of emotions, it seems like.
It appears that Hideo Kojima, the genius mastermind behind the Metal Gear Solid series, and currently developing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, recently received an e-mail from a fellow developer who was thanking Kojima, and Kojima, no doubt under a lot of emotional duress and stress right now, seems to have been moved to tears as a result:
“I received an emotional mail from Joshua, a game designer from Australia. Even if we stand in different places, since I feel quite weak through this harsh and difficult time, it was enough to make tears come out.
“This proves that I wasn’t wrong in doing what I’ve been doing for a long time. Someone is supporting me. Now, I will work hard after wiping my tears.”
The Joshua in question was Loveshack’s Joshua Boggs, whose Framed was recently named by Kojima as being his GotY.
It is good to see all of this solidarity among game developers.
(Translation by DualShockers)