As if the rumors and speculation surrounding The Phantom Pain and its link with the Metal Gear series weren’t enough already, Kojima’s gone out of his way to throw more fuel at the fire. The man took to twitter to tease what he’s currently up to. The tweet reveals a pic which implies that he’s hard at work editing a trailer. Zoom in closer and you’ll find that the current name of the video is “TPP_GDC2013_720p_ESRB”. Hmmm, what could TPP possibly stand for? And what does it have to do with GDC 2013? Beats us, doesn’t ring a bell.
Kojima also tweeted that the concept of his new FOX engine is “photorealism”. Which just begs us to ask the question. Is Joakim Mogren, the CEO of Moby Dick Studios which is developing The Phantom Pain, just CG? It would be an incredible technical feat if that was the case, and should give us an indicating of what awaits us next-gen.
What can we say, Kojima loves to troll us. GDC is just around the corner and we’ll just have to hold on to our horses till then. Be sure to tune in on March 25th when GDC will open its gates, for all the news updates from the show floor. In the meantime, feel free to let us know what you think about the enigmatic tweets, rumors, and of course the game itself.