It was only in 2022 that Meta launched a high-end variant of its Quest VR headset line in the form of the Meta Quest Pro, though the device’s life has reached an early end. The company announced in September last year that it would be stopping the sale of Quest Pro headsets once it had sold through its existing stock, and it seems we’ve come to that point.
On the official webpage for the Quest Pro, Meta now confirms that the device is no longer for sale, with a message on the page redirecting users to purchasing the Quest 3 “for the ultimate mixed reality experience and premium comfort.”
The Quest Pro launched worldwide in October 2022, retailing for $1,499.99. Criticism was directed at its high launch price. However, other factors, such as its mixed reality features and lack of strong early software support, were also noted as concerning. The device’s quick death isn’t a huge shock, especially with the VR market shrinking by the day.
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