Yesterday, it was widely reported that the next entry into the Metal Gear Solid saga is alleged to be arriving in Q3 according to the release of Konami’s financial results for their third quarter. While the report is in no way confirmation of a third quarter release window for the game, it does lend some credence to the idea of the game being pushed back a bit because of Chinese localization, bug testing, QA rounds and game certification.
However it seems that the Q3 date might not be true at all and the game might be coming out very soon. Different countries have different specifications regarding fiscal years. According to the report, Q2 period ends September 30, 2014. This means that their definition for fiscal year is as follows: Q1 (Apr-Jun), Q2 (Jul -Sep), Q3 (Oct-Dec), Q4 (Jan-Mar). The games listed in the fiscal report don’t go beyond Spring of this year, so it may well be that this is an indication that the target window for MGSV is Q1 and more specifically the April to June window.
With both the vocal cast of the game, fans and the media being a bit bothered by the lack of a release date for such a highly anticipated game, Konami would be doing us all a favour by just telling us when the expect the game to launch. Rest assured that we will keep you in the loop and stay updated on any developments.
Thanks to NeoGaf user: Arkham Inmate (1, 2, 3)