Troy Baker, who voiced Talion in 2014’s Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, will be returning to voice the character again in this year’s upcoming Shadow of War. Warner Bros. made the announcement today, also announcing that Baker will be the game’s Performance Capture Director, meaning he will be in charge of ensuring that the motion capture is cohesively well done and that the performances fit with the tone of the game.
Baker’s performance as Talion was riveting, and one of the higher points of Shadow of War. Hopefully, it continues to remain so in the sequel. The sequel itself looks to take the solid, if flawed, foundation of the original game, and work on ironing out its flaws, while building upon its strengths.
Hopefully, Middle Earth: Shadow of War is a better game for all of that when it finally launches in October this year on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
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