Notch made news recently when he bought a brand new, extravagant, almost ostentatious new mansion for $70 million; but where Notch had to first make that kind of money to buy the house, someone else decided to one up him by basically getting it without spending money by building it themselves in Notch’s own creation. Yes, someone has gone ahead and recreated Notch’s entire mansion in Minecraft.
There is something almost poetic about that.
The mansion was created by modder Dan Bovey, who is currently working on a downloadable version of the mod that will appear on his Planet Minecraft page.
But until that happens, all you can do is gawk. Look at the sheer attention to detail that went into this- Bovey was nice enough to include shots of the real thing, so we could all compare.
Yeesh. I’m just waiting for the day someone recreates all of human civilization in Minecraft, that’ll be the day we know Skynet is coming.