World of Warcraft’s fourth post-vanilla expansion, Mists of Pandara, has been given a 25th September release date by Blizzard
Available on both PC and Mac, online and retail, Mists of Pandara will retail at £29.99.
In addition, two collector’s editions have been announced. The conventional Collector’s Edition, priced at £59.99, will feature a behind-the-scenes DVD and Blu-Ray, official soundtrack, 208-page artbook and a Chen Stormshout mouse pad, whatever that is.
Another, lesser Digital Deluxe Edition will also be available for £39.99, which can be upgraded to as any time from the normal, boring edition, will contain the digital portions of the Collector’s Edition.
Both versions will also contain: an Imperial Quilen flying mount; a Lucky Quilen Cub pet; Infested Orc and Night Eld Templar portraits; and Pandaren markings for Diablo III banners.