Earlier today, Bohemia Interactive, the developers behind the upcoming final release of Arma 3, released a new video in their Community Guide video series. The series is intended to walk viewers through specific elements of the game to further enhance the game play experience.
This newest video gives viewers an din depth look at two specialized infantry character types: The Sniper and The Launchers. Our guide, Andrew Gluck (Also known as Dslycxi) from ShackTactical — a gaming guide team — walks us through some tips and tricks for the two character roles.
As can be inferred from the role names, Snipers are better suited for distance, picking off enemies from afar, and Launchers are more comfortably used to take out approaching military vehicles beyond the capacity of regular infantry to destroy.
Snipers generally operate away from the main group, and in small groups. Snipers utilize camouflage gear, or “gilly suits,” to hide and more effectively pick off their opponents, Snipers also have a focus on delivering intelligence back to the community, as opposed to solely worrying about taking out enemies. The video goes on to break down the specialized sniper weapons, detailing scope zoom, range, and fire rates. The sniper is best used to take out more important targets when in a combat situation, such as an officer. The sniper can also utilize a “breath hold” which will steady the gun, allowing for more effective long range killing.
Launchers have three different roles: Tank destruction, Aircraft destruction, and Military destruction. Launchers will use missiles and projectiles to take out ranged targets that normal infantry would not be able to. The video goes into detail about some specific types of launcher weapons, and their aiming and firing tactics. Gluck stresses that the first shot is most important when using the launcher, as shooting and missing will get you noticed, and being noticed by a tank or aircraft will seriously mess your day up. Another tidbit of advice is to, when at all possible, utilize the launcher in urban areas, as opposed to open terrain, as your target will be more walled in. Finally, discusses the tactics for both tanks and aircrafts, hitting tanks and such on the flanks, and targeting aircrafts when they are not facing you.
Arma 3 will release on Steam on September 3rd of 2013.