Nintendo not fixing Mario Kart 7 track shortcut glitch

Posted By | On 17th, Jan. 2012

There’s a glitch in Mario Kart 7, as many of you might know (those who don’t should have a look at the video below) that allows players to drive off the course at a point in the track and reswpawn at a checkpoint much, much ahead of where they actually were, allowing them to practically skip a huge portion of the track. This has, obviously, caused fans to speak up and ask Nintendo to remove this glitch. Nintendo, however, has decided not to take action.

Saying it would be unfair to the players who bought Mario Kart 7 early on, Nintendo says they will not be fixing the bug.

They have sent out the following e-mail:

‘Thanks for your patience in waiting for a response during this busy time of year. We are aware that it is possible to navigate a certain part of the track in Wuhu Island in a way that allows a large part of the course to be bypassed. There are no plans to update the game to remove this shortcut as doing so would create an unfair advantage for the users of the original release of the game. Rest assured your comments have been added to our records for Mario Kart 7.


Buddy Roemer
Nintendo of America Inc.’

Not only does this mean that Nintendo will not be releasing a patch or a fix, but also that they will not be fixing the game’s code in the new batch of retail copies. This is a pretty disheartening reply by Nintendo, to say the least.

Let’s hope Nintendo finally gives in to the players’ demands soon, because right now, this track is practically unplayable online.

[Stick Twiddlers]

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