Nintendo may not have a conference this year at E3 2013, but they’re planning to excite their fans with new titles and finally reveal what Nintendo fans always wanted to see which is the new Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U and 3DS.
At E3 2013, Nintendo will reveal Super Smash Brothers, 3D Mario platformer and Mario Kart for the first time for the Wii U with gameplay trailers/announcements via Nintendo Direct on June 11th starting at 7 AM. A new Zelda also might appear in a teaser trailer for a short period of time. New surprises are expected to be announced as well in some shape or form during E3 2013.
Let us know if you’re excited to see the new Super Smash Brothers, 3D Mario and Mario Kart in the comments below.
Check back on GamingBolt next week for the big Nintendo announcements and gameplay video.