Do you all remember Dawn of War? Before there was Company of Heroes, Relic Entertainment used to be known for Dawn of War, a science fiction fantasy strategy game based on the Warhammer 40,000 universe. With Sega now owning the Warhammer license, as well as Relic themselves, it appears as though the time may be ripe for the Dawn of War franchise’s return. And how do we know that? Why, we know that because Sega has registered a domain for Dawn of War 3, that’s how.
Usually, domain registrations can be defensive, but this might be the real deal- Sega does own both, the license and the developer in this case, and they are already working on reviving the Warhammer license in a big way with The Creative Assembly’s upcoming Total War: Warhammer. Plus, Company of Heroes 2 came out in 2013, and we haven’t exactly heard from Relic since- what might they have been working on?
Whatever this is, we will keep you guys posted. Stay tuned.