Mastering each of the 21 unlockable weapons in Sniper Elite Resistance is a requirement for achieving the Silver Trophy “Master-at-arms”. While DLC weapons are skippable, the remainder of the guns are split into three broad categories: Pistols, Secondaries, and Sniper Rifles, each of which must have their respective Mastery Medals unlocked to count towards completion of the Trophy.
This Sniper Elite Resistance guide lists each of the weapons by category and sorted by their mission availability.
Kills toward the Mastery Medal counter persist between save reloads. In order to quickly farm 50 Ghost Kills with each Pistol in any given mission, simply find a sizable cluster of enemies to incapacitate, but not kill. Gather them in one spot, preferably close to where you can switch between weapons, then save the game. Execute the unconscious soldiers while outside of active combat for them to count as Ghost Kills. Reload the save, and continue for each Pistol, switching weapons as you earn their individual Mastery Medals. Completion of this task for all 6 Pistols will earn you the “Pistol Perfectionist” Trophy.
Modèle 1935A
Unlocked by default
Unlocked by default
Nagant M1895
Unlocked upon completion of the Kill Challenge for Mission 2, “Dead Drop”
Star Ruby
Unlocked upon completion of Mission 4, “Collision Course”
Hi-Power 9MM
Unlocked upon completion of Mission 8, “End of the Line”
Unlocked upon completion of all three propaganda mission types
Deluxe Edition bonus
No mastery
Kills toward the Mastery Medal counter persist between save reloads. In order to quickly farm 150 Ghost Kills with each Secondary in any given mission, simply find a sizable cluster of enemies to incapacitate, but not kill. Gather them in one spot, preferably close to where you can switch between weapons, then save the game. Execute the unconscious soldiers while outside of active combat for them to count as Ghost Kills. Reload the save, and continue for each Secondary, switching weapons as you earn their individual Mastery Medals. Completion of this task for all 8 Secondaries will earn you the “Secondary Supremacy” Trophy.
Unlocked by default
MAS 38
Unlocked by default
Model 1907
Unlocked upon completion of the Kill Challenge for Mission 3, “Sonderzüge Sabotage”
Trench Gun
Unlocked upon completion of the Kill Challenge for Mission 5, “Devil’s Cauldron”
Stengun MK2
Unlocked upon completion of Mission 5, “Devil’s Cauldron”
Unlocked upon completion of the Kill Challenge for Mission 6, “Assault on Fort Rouge”
M1918 BAR
Unlocked upon completion of the Kill Challenge for Mission 7, “Lock, Stock and Barrels”
Unlocked upon completion of Mission 7, “Lock, Stock and Barrels”
Kills toward the Mastery Medal counter persist between mission restarts. In order to quickly farm Rifle kills in any given mission, simply find a sizable cluster of enemies to pick off from a bare minimum distance of 100 meters. Save the game. Snipe each enemy in the head, as only headshots count. Reload the save, and continue for each Rifle, switching weapons as you earn their individual Mastery Medals. Completion of this task for all 7 Rifles will earn you the “Revered with Rifles” Trophy.
Berthier 1916
Unlocked by default
Lebel Model 1886
Unlocked by default
Mas 44
Unlocked upon completion of Mission 3, “Sonderzüge Sabotage”
M1 Garand
Unlocked upon completion of the Kill Challenge for Mission 4, “Collision Course”
Lee No.4
Unlocked upon completion of Mission 6, “Assault on Fort Rouge”
Unlocked upon completion of the Kill Challenge for Mission 8, “End of the Line”
Mosin-Nagant M91/30
Unlocked upon completion of all Sniping propaganda missions
Karabiner 98 Rifle
Pre-order bonus
No mastery
Those are all the weapon unlocks and their Mastery Medal requirements in Sniper Elite Resistance.