Alien: Isolation just launched yesterday, and while it wasn’t everything that we would have wanted from an Alien game, it was probably still great enough for most Alien fans to feel satisfied with the game. A lot of these hardcore Alien fans probably pre-ordered the game to get some sweet pre-order bonuses: specifically, two extra DLC missions that people who pre-ordered would be able to access for free.
However, now it has come to light that a few users seem to be having issues with accessing these pre-order bonuses on the PlayStation 4– apparently these codes don’t seem to be working for them. The issue seems to be inconsistent, as some users are complaining that none of the codes are working, and some are stating that one or the other is. It’s apparently bad enough that The Creative Assembly took to its Twitter to assure everyone that it would be looking into the issue.
Hopefully this gets sorted out soon enough, so everyone can get in with enjoying the game anyway.