Archive For paranormal tales Tag

15 New Video Games That Are Doing Something Unique

15 New Video Games That Are Doing Something Unique

With this feature, we take a look at 15 upcoming games that are trying to do something fresh and original that we haven't seen before.

15 Upcoming Unreal Engine 5 Games To Look Forward To

15 Upcoming Unreal Engine 5 Games To Look Forward To

With this feature, we will be taking a look at 15 Unreal Engine 5 games coming out in 2024 and beyond.

18 Horror Games Releasing In 2024 And Beyond

18 Horror Games Releasing In 2024 And Beyond

With this feature, we take a look at 18 of the best horror games that will be releasing in the near future and beyond.

7 Graphically Stunning Bodycam Games

7 Graphically Stunning Bodycam Games

Plenty of realistic bodycam styled games have been revealed in the last few months, and here are 7 of the best that are worth looking out for.

Paranormal Tales is Looking Like a Super Creepy Bodycam Horror Game

Paranormal Tales is Looking Like a Super Creepy Bodycam Horror Game

Digital Cybercherries' upcoming Paranormal Tales has some unique elements going for it, which help it stand out from the rest of the upcoming horror releases.

15 Upcoming Horror Games in Unreal Engine 5 to Look Forward to

15 Upcoming Horror Games in Unreal Engine 5 to Look Forward to

Here’s a rundown of 15 nerve-shredding horror games currently in development in Unreal Engine 5.

15 Upcoming New Unreal Engine 5 Games That Look Like Real-Life

15 Upcoming New Unreal Engine 5 Games That Look Like Real-Life

Unreal Engine 5 continues to impress with its advanced graphical capabilities, and here are 15 games that use them to create photorealistic environments.

15 Little Upcoming Single Player Games That Definitely Deserve Your Attention

15 Little Upcoming Single Player Games That Definitely Deserve Your Attention

Apart from the usual highly anticipated games from big name studios, 2023 and beyond is looking like a pretty fruitful year for AA and indies as well.