Bluepoint Games continues to display its current gen chops by revamping the PS3 classic.
Coming in both, the 500GB and 1TB SKUs.
A thief's life.
The video shows what another last gen game will look like on the current generation PS4.
Sony going all in with this one.
Nostalgia for Sony's flagship franchise.
Now announce it for North America too!
How does Nathan Drake's greatest adventure benefit from the leap to 1080p/60 FPS?
Also reports that 1080p/60 FPS makes a huge difference.
Plus, the forced SixAxis motion controls have been removed.
Get your first taste of the game before it releases in October.
Naughty Dog confirms 1080p resolution and 60 FPS remasters for the original games.
A listing for the remastered collection briefly went live before being pulled.