The Evil Within Mega Guide: Collectibles, Cheats, Upgrades, Infinite Ammo, Weapons

A complete guide for The Evil Within.

Posted By | On 24th, Oct. 2014

The Evil Within Mega Guide: Collectibles, Cheats, Upgrades, Infinite Ammo, Weapons

Check out this complete guide for The Evil Within. Here you will find a complete list of all achievements/trophies [Map Fragments, Missing Person Posters, Audio Tapes, Personal Documents, Newspapers, Documents, and Keys], collectibles], PC fixes, and cheats. This guide will also take a look into the various PC tweaks and settings related to the screen options, that have been made available to PC gamers.

Furthermore, we also take a look at several weapons, their upgrades and abilities. We also have tips and tricks for enabling infinite ammo, slow motion, frame rate fix, black border fix, and crash fixes.

The Evil Within is being developed by Tango Gameworks and is being released by Bethesda Softworks. The game is now available for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC.


The Evil Within contains a vast number of collectibles in the game that count towards the overall completion of the game. As well as contributing to the awards of achievements and trophies. Below is a video guide for each location of these collectibles, divided by chapter. The type of collectibles in the game are divided between 28 Map Fragments, 15 Missing Person Posters, 10 Audio Tapes, 16 Personal Documents, 21 Newspapers, 16 Documents, and 45 Keys.

Chapter 1: An Emergency Call

Chapter 2: Remnants

CHAPTER 3: Claws of the Horde

CHAPTER 4: The Patient

CHAPTER 5: Inner Recesses

CHAPTER 6: Losing Grip on Ourselves

CHAPTER 7: The Keeper

CHAPTER 8: A Planted Seed Will Grow

CHAPTER 9: The Cruelest Intentions

CHAPTER 10: The Craftsman’s Tools


CHAPTER 12: The Ride

CHAPTER 13: Casualties

CHAPTER 14: Ulterior Motives

CHAPTER 15: An Evil Within

Weapons, Abilities and Upgrades:

The Evil Within has an upgrade system that allows players to increase the capacity, fire rate, damage, and reload times of their weapons. The player can also increase their own health, melee damage, and sprint time, which is achieved through a series of points and levelling system. Although some weapons will be accessible by exploring the levels in the game such as the revolver, it should be noted that some items and weapons will only be available by pre-ordering the game’s special edition which comes with The Fighting Chance Pack.

This includes a medical kit, the poison agony bolt, a double barrel shotgun with three shells, green gel, and the incendiary bolt. Other weapons in the game include a crossbow, a sniper rifle, axes, and grenades. As The Evil Within is a survival horror game it’s best to keep in mind that ammo is scarce and that guns should be used wisely. Melee attacks and hand weapons are capable of dealing a fair amount of damage but as this requires being in-range of the enemy, guns will prove to be of more use and better effect.

PC Tweaks:

The Evil Within was developed with a focus on consoles a frame-rate lock of 30 has been put in place, and Bethesda has given the warned PC gamers that unlocking the frame rate could lead to issues within the game. They have also developed the game with an unusual aspect ratio forcing the screen to be cropped with black bars covering the top and bottom sides of the screen, that many people despise. There is however a fix to both of these problems, and although they don’t entirely fix the issues they do make improve the playability of the game.

Frame-rate fix:

Open Steam and go to ‘Set launch options’.
Type in +com_allowconsole 1. To activate the console in-game and press the Insert key.

Here are a list of commands that can be implemented to fix the issues in the game:

R_swapinterval <NUMBER>
This command sets the FPS lock. The numbers below are negative values.
-2 –This is the default frame rate which is set to 30.
-1 -This sets the FPS limit to 60. This is not recommended by Bethesda but as many people find a frame-rate of 30 to be unplayable, increasing the limit to 60 may prove to be a better alternative. Bethesda has said they will be working on getting the game to a more playable state when a 60 FPS lock is intact.
0 -This unlocks the FPS so that it’s without any limits and Bethesda has warned people that will not fix any issues related to this decision.

Black Border and FOV Fix:

  • Download and install Cheat Engine.
  • Start the game up and alt-tab.
  • Start the Cheat Engine-table you downloaded from here.
  • Click the flashing computer icon at the top left of the window and click on The EvilWithin.exe and then click Yes.
  • Check “Enable Gameplay FOV”
  • Return back to the game, use + and – on your numpad to adjust the FOV.

A video guide is available below.


Type in +com_allowconsole 1. To activate the console in-game and press the Insert key.

Noclip: This allows the player to walk through walls.
Toggledebugcamera: This will separate the player from the character so you freely move around the environment.
R_forceaspectratio <NUMBER>: This will set the aspect ratio. The default value is 2.5,
0 is full screen, 1.8 or 2 is said to be the most appropriate for those who aren’t fond of the black borders. (This command is best avoided as the Cheat Engine software will give more effective results).
G_stoptime 1: Stops time. (It should be noted that this command causes a bug in the UI elements of the game that Bethesda is said to be working on).
-(Re enable time with g_stoptime 0)
 Players will receive infinite ammo as long as there’s at least one clip present.
Com_showFPS: Turns on id’s native FPS counter.

Startslowmotion2: Slows down time.
Stopslowmotion: Disables slow motion.

How to Skip intro videos:

Right click on the game from within Steam and select properties. Click Set Launch Options and enter +com_skipIntroVideo 1, now click save.

The Evil Within Game Crash Fix:

  • Right click Properties of The Evil Within from Steam and navigate to Local Files. Click on Verify Integrity of Game Cache and allow Steam to verify the correct installation and cache files of the game.
  • Check all game updates have been downloaded.
  • Make sure graphic card drivers are up to date.
  • Check DirectX11 is up to date.

Achievements/Trophies Guide:

First Step into Darkness: Completed the game on Casual difficulty.

Another Day on the Job: Completed the game on Survival difficulty.

Master of Horror: Completed the game on Nightmare difficulty.

Every Nook and Cranny: Collected every collectable in the game.

Master of Unlocking: Opened up all the lockers in the save room.

Hardbody: Fully upgraded all of Sebastian’s attributes.

Unstoppable Arsenal: Completely upgraded all weapons.

My Best Friend: Completely upgraded one weapon.

The Power of Three:  Completely upgraded three weapons.

Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo?: Upgraded all options in the Stock menu.

Blow Up the Playing Field: Killed 10 enemies using the Rocket Launcher.

Full House: Killed 5 enemies with each type of Agony Bolt.

Burn, Baby, Burn!: Killed 5 enemies with a torch.

Silent Kill : Killed 5 enemies in a row with a sneak kill without being discovered.

…And the Corpses Mount: Killed 30 enemies.

Krimson PD Fury: Killed 200 enemies.

One Man Army: Killed 400 enemies.

Ammo Conservationist: Killed 25 enemies with melee attacks.

Bloody Bar Brawl: Sneak Killed an enemy after hitting them with a bottle.

It Is What It Is :  Finished the game without upgrading any skills with green gel.

You Asked For It: Finished the game on Akumu mode.

Drop It Like It’s Hot: Killed 3 living enemies with one drop of a match.

The Quick and the Dead: Finished the game with a clear time of under 5:00:00.

A la Corvo: Opened the gate to the village without killing a single enemy in Chapter 2.

Knife Beats Chainsaw: Took out the Sadist with a sneak kill in Chapter 3.

Home is Where the Hospice is: Experienced the vision in the Hospice in Chapter 4.

Not Part of the Job Description: Rescued Kidman without Joseph taking any damage in Chapter 5.

Everybody Gets One: Saved Joseph from falling off a ledge in Chapter 6.

I Don’t Have Time for This!: Escaped from the Catacombs killing only 2 Keepers in Chapter 7.

Item Management: Finished Chapter 8 without firing a single weapon.

Bathed in Flames: Defeated Laura before riding the elevator in Chapter 10.

Not a Scratch on Her!: Drove down the highway without hitting a single enemy in Chapter 12.

Entry Level Electrician: Powered up all electrical equipment simultaneously in the subway in Chapter 14.

Weapon of Choice: Defeated the Sadist within the village.

Old Flame:  Destroyed a shrieking beast.

Two on Two:  Destroy both guardians before the church.

What’s In The Box?!: Escape the Keeper beneath the catacombs.

The First, Not the Last: Ended a monstrosity in the underground garage.

Arachnophobia: Outrun a gigantic threat in the city.

Slither into Oblivion: Removed an invisible enemy from the equation.

One of the Many: Defeat the ultimate evil within.

Note: This guide will updated once we have more information about the game. You can also check out the complete video walk-through of The Evil Within here.

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