Using this guide for Titanfall you will be able to know more about Ordinances/Ordnance, tactical abilities, perks, cheats, burn cards, find ways to earn bonus experience points/XP and level up/rank up faster, weapon mods, challenges, regeneration, prestige, weapons and mods, maneuvers, best loadouts for pilots and titans, beginner tips, how to get High KD and stay alive longer, and general fixes for crashes and errors.
If you have any questions let us know in the comments section below. Titanfall is developed by Respawn and published by Electronic Arts. It will launch on the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC.
Challenges | Regeneration | Prestige Guide:
Regenerating is the terms used for Prestiging in Titanfall. When you reach the maximum level/rank in the game, you can trade that for special bonuses and start the game all over again. Titanfall features 50 levels and you can regenerate over 10 generations. A user at Neogaf has the following details to share:
Generation 1 to 2:
No Challenges Required
Generation 2 to 3:
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the EVA-8 Shotgun
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the EVA-8 Shotgun
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the 40mm Cannon
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the 40mm Cannon
Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Generation 3 to 4:
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the R-97 Compact SMG
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the R-97 Compact SMG
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the Plasma Railgun
Tiers: 5, 15, 25, 50, 100
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the Plasma Railgun
Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
No Hitter
Kill X Pilots with Satchel Charges
Tiers: 1, 5, 15, 30, 50
Generation 4 to 5:
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the Longbow-DMR Sniper
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 150
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the Longbow-DMR Sniper
Tiers: 5, 15, 25, 35, 50
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the Quad Rocket
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the Quad Rocket
Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Critically Conditioned
Get X critical hits with the Charge Rifle
Tiers: 5, 10, 15, 25, 30
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the RE-45 Autopistol
Tiers: 5, 15, 25, 35, 50
Generation 5 to 6:
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the R-101C Carbine
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the R-101C Carbine
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the Arc Cannon
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the Arc Cannon
Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the Sidewinder
Tiers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
Kill a Pilot who is ejecting X times
Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Generation 6 to 7:
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the Spitfire LMG
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the Spitfire LMG
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the Triple Threat
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the Triple Threat
Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the MAG Launcher
Tiers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
Brain Surgeon
Kill X Titans by rodeo
Tiers: 1, 5, 15, 30, 50
Generation 7 to 8:
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the G2A4 Rifle
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the G2A4 Rifle
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the XO-16 Chaingun
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the XO-16 Chaingun
Tiers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the Charge Rifle
Tiers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
Fresh Squeezed
Get X execution kills as a Stryder Titan
Tiers: 1, 5, 10, 15, 25
Generation 8 to 9:
If It Moves…
Kill X enemies with the C.A.R. SMG
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the C.A.R. SMG
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
Get X execution kills as an Atlas Titan
Tiers: 1, 5, 10, 15, 25
Titan Killer
Kill X Titans with the Archer Heavy Rocket
Tiers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
All I Do Is Win
Win X rounds
Tiers: 10, 30, 50, 70, 100
Look Out Below!
Get X kills by dropping your Titan on the enemy
Tiers: 1, 5, 15, 30, 50
Critically Conditioned
Get X critical hits with the 40mm Cannon
5, 15, 30, 50, 75
Generation 9 to 10:
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the Smart Pistol MK5
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the Hemlok BF-R
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
Top Gun
Kill X Pilots with the Kraber-AP Sniper
Tiers: 5, 15, 25, 35, 50
Get X execution kills as an Ogre Titan
Tiers: 1, 5, 10, 15, 25
Be the player with the highest score on your team X times
Tiers: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50
Deadly Apparition
Get X kills whilst being cloaked
Tiers: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
Death Reincarnate
Get a kill while ejecting X times
Tiers: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75
Critically Conditioned
Get X critical hits with the Plasma Railgun
Tiers: 5, 10, 20, 30, 50
Critically Conditioned
Get X critical hits with the XO-16 Chaingun
Tiers: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400
Ordinances/Ordnance Guide:
Ordinances are the secondary weapons that either the Pilot or the Titan will have access to. Let us take a look at them:
For Pilots:
- Frag Grenade: These come packed in with delayed fuse which may be a big help under different fighting conditions.
- Satchel Charge: More powerful than Frag Grenade, these sticky explosives can cause massive amount of destruction. They can be triggered remotely.
- Arc Grenade: This will disturb the vision of titan and pilot. Your enemies should be in range though.
- Arc Mine: This is kind of similar to C4, although they are much bigger than size. They are the combination of frag grenades and arc grenades. They can be triggered from a distance.
For Titans:
- Rocket Salvo: These are used to fire a swarm of rockets..
- Slaved Warheads: This follows your tracking reticule until it hits your target.
- Cluster Missile: A combination of Rocket Salvo and Slaved Warheads, Cluster Missile will first hit the target followed by a swarm of missiles.
- Multi-Target Missile System: This is used for hitting multiple targets at once.
Tactical Abilities:
As the name suggests these abilities give ‘tactical advantage’ to the Pilots and Titans in the game.
- Cloak: Makes the pilot invisible for a while.
- Heal: Pilot will be able to heal itself.
- Sonar: Used for active radar pulse.
- Vortex Shield: As the name indicates this is a shield and deflects munitions.
- Electric Smoke: This will create a electric smoke in the vicinity.
- Particle Wall: A massive radial damage caused by a wall of explosives.
Perks and Cheats Guide:
The following perks are available for Titans and Pilots [Tier 1 and Tier 2 clubbed each other]
- Auto Eject: Will auto eject your pilot when the titan is on the verge of getting destroyed.
- Nuclear Ejection: When you eject from your Titan, it generates a large explosion on its destruction. wipes out neighbouring enemy Titans and Pilots
- Dash Recharge: Your dash recharges quickly.
- Dead Mans Trigger: All your planted explosives will detonate when you are killed.
- Defense Core: Expands on your health and seems to only be with the Ogre class Titan
- Survivor: You lose less health, and at a slower rate.
- Guardian Chip: Auto-Titan will engage enemies with greater accuracy.
- Quick Reload Kit: Reduces reload time for your weapons.
- Core Extender: Titan’s Core Ability will remain active for long period of times
- The Ice Pick: Players can hack turrets and Spectres quickly.
- Core Accelerator: Titan’s Core Ability charges more quickly.
- Tactical Reactor: Tactical Abilities like Vortex Shield, Electric Smoke, and Particle Wall regenerate faster.
- Minion Detector: Displays Grunts and Spectres on the map.
- Explosive Pack: This will increase the pilot’s ordnance capacity
- Power Cell: Recharges your Tactical Abilities
- Run and Gun: Allows the player to fire small arms while running.
- Regen Booster: Regenerates your health in a Titan.
- Stealth Kit: Footsteps become silent, and jump will not be exhausted.
- Big Punch: Titan’s melee attack power is significantly increased.
- Warpfall Transmitter: Accelerates your Titanfall by a huge amount, and utilizes a short-range jump technology
- Enhanced Parkour Kit: Your agility will increase and you will be run on walls for a longer period.
Burn Cards:
The following burn cards are available in Titanfall:
- Amped DMR: This will replace your primary weapon with longbow-DMR sniper rifle.
- Amped Sidewinder: This will replace anti-titan weapon with Sidewinder.
- Amped Smart Pistol: This will replace your primary weapon with Smart Pistol.
- Double Agent: Grunts, Auto-Titans, Spectres & Turrets will not try to kill you.
- Echo Vision: Radar pulse is permanent.
- Fast Learner: Earn double XP.
- Ghost Squad: You are cloaked as a pilot.
- Map Hack: Minimap vision is fully on.
- Amped LMG: This will replace your primary weapon with LMG.
- Amped Mag Launcher: This will replace anti-titan weapon with Mag Launcher.
- Amped P2011: This will replace sidearm weapon with P2011.
- Active Camo: This allows for a cloak that lasts longer.
- Adrenaline Transfusion: This adds Stim effect which allows for faster running.
- Amped Archer: This burn card will replace anti-titan weapons with Titanhammer rockets.
- Amped C.A.R.: Replaces your weaker side arm with C.A.R. SMG.
- Amped Charge Rifle: This burn card will replace anti-titan weapon with a charged rifle.
- Amped R-101C: This will replace your primary weapon with R-101C.
- Amped R-97: This will replace your primary weapon with R-97.
- Amped RE-45: This will replace your sidearm weapon with RE-45.
- Massive Payload: Titan causes massive nuclear explosion.
- Most Wanted List: This will reduce build time and you will earn more XP when you kill a pilot.
- Outsource: Build Time and Titan Core Charge reductions.
- Packet Sniffer: Radar pulses frequently.
- Personal Alarm System: Replace ordinance weapon with infinite arc mines.
- Prosthetic Legs: Faster pilot speed.
- Pull Rank: You will get 80 seconds off Build Time or Titan Core Charge
- Amped Wingman: This will replace your sidearm weapon with match trigger Wingman.
- Atlas Refurb: Atlas Titan
- Aural Implant: Replace Pilot Tactical Ability with active radar pulse.
- Bottomless Frags: Replace ordinance weapon with frag grenades.
- Conscription: Grunts will fight for you
- Amped EVA-8: This will replace your primary weapon with EVA-8 shotgun.
- Amped G2A4: This will replace your primary weapon with G2A4.
- Amped Hemlock: This will replace your primary weapon with Hemlock.
- Amped Kraber: This will replace your primary weapon with Kraber.
- Decisive Action: You will receive 40 seconds off build time or titan core charge.
- Rematch: Player can respawn at the same match here he/she died.
- Reserve Ogre: Call in the Ogre Titan.
- Satellite Uplink: For every ten seconds, enemies will be displayed on the map.
- Select a Burn Card: Next burn card to be selected.
- Shock Rocks: Replaces Ordinance weapon with arc grenade
- Smuggled Stimulant: Replaces pilot tactical ability with Stim
- Spare Stryder: You can call in a Stryder Titan
- Spectre Camo: Spectre
- Thin The Ranks: This will reduce build time and you will earn more XP when you hit a grunt.
- Titan Salvage: This will reduce build time and you will earn more XP when you destroy a titan.
- Urban Renewal: This will reduce build time and you will earn more XP when you kill a spectre.
- Wifi Virus: This will capture the spectres.
- Spider Sense: When enemy is near you, a warning will be given.
- Super Charger: Titan Core ability will be pre-charged.
- Surplus Satchels: Infinite Satchels.
XP/Experience Points Bonuses:
You can earn bonus experience points [XP] by either of the following. Please note that you can also earn by generally progression as well but you can really fasten the process by doing the following activities:
- Killing Spree
- Jump Kick
- Headshot
- Executed
- Dominating
- Double Kill
- Killing a Pilot
Levels/Ranking Up:
Using the experience points bonus guide above, you will be able to rank/level up. There are 50 levels. Here are the various ranks/levels and the points required for each of them:
- 1: Zero Points
- 2: 1500 Points
- 3: 3300 Points
- 4: 5800 Points
- 5: 8800 Points
- 6: 12500 Points
- 7: 16700 Points
- 8: 21500 Points
- 9: 26900 Points
- 10: 32900 Points
- 11: 39400 Points
- 12: 46500 Points
- 13: 54100 Points
- 14: 62300 Points
- 15: 71100 Points
- 16: 80300 Points
- 17: 90100 Points
- 18: 100500 Points
- 19: 111300 Points
- 20: 122700 Points
- 21: 134700 Points
- 22: 147100 Points
- 23: 160100 Points
- 24: 173600 Points
- 25: 187600 Points
- 26: 202100 Points
- 27: 217100 Points
- 28: 232600 Points
- 29: 248700 Points
- 30: 265200 Points
- 31: 282300 Points
- 32: 299800 Points
- 33: 317900 Points
- 34: 336500 Points
- 35: 356000 Points
- 36: 377000 Points
- 37: 399000 Points
- 38: 422000 Points
- 39: 446000 Points
- 40: 471000 Points
- 41: 497000 Points
- 42: 524000 Points
- 43: 552000 Points
- 44: 581000 Points
- 45: 612000 Points
- 46: 650000 Points
- 47: 695000 Points
- 48: 750000 Points
- 49: 818000 Points
- 50: 900000 Points
Weapon Mods:
Titanfall features a ton of weapon mods which you can find below:
- AOG: This will give the player a 2.4x sight.
- Afterburners: Faster rockste
- Burst Fire: Fires three rounds of ammunition in one go.
- Capacitor: Increases damage.
- Counterweight: Gives higher accuracy while navigating.
- Enhanced Targeting: Helps in locking on.
- Extended Magazine: Magazine capacity increases.
- Fast Reload: Reduces time reduces.
- High-Capacity Drum: Magazine capacity increases.
- Holosight: Gives 2.1x Zoom
- Instant Shot: Disables build up.
- Iron Sights: You will get hold of a scope/sight
- Match Trigger: Fire rate won’t be considered.
- Mine Field: Grenades can be put in the ground.
- Quick Shot: Shots charge faster.
- Rapid Fire: Rate of fire increases.
- Recoil Compensator: Reduces gun recoil.
- Scatterfire: Rate of fire is increased.
- Slammer: Ramps up rodeo damage.
- Stabilizer: Stabilizes grip when scoping.
- Suppressor: Reduces noise of guns
Weapons Guide:
Once again, Titans and Pilots both have a different arsenal of weapons.
- XO-16 Chaingun
- Arc Cannon
- 40mm Cannon
- Quad Rocket
- Plasma Railgun
- Triple Threat
- R-101C Carbine
- R-97 Compact SMG
- Smart Pistol Mk5
- G2A4 Rifle
- EVA-8 Shotgun
- Longbow-DMR Sniper
- C.A.R. SMG
- Hemlok BF-R
- Krabr-AP Sniper
- Spitfire LMG
Maneuvers Guide:
Maneuvers are basically special moves that can be pulled off by the Titans and Pilots. Pilots can double jump, wall run, rodeo and mantling whereas Titans specialize in dodging, ejecting the pilots and ripping your enemy titan.
Best Loadouts:
Let us take a look at some of the best loadouts for pilots and titans:
Best Loadout For Pilots:
Best Loadout For Titans:
Miscellaneous Tips:
The video guides below will take you through some basic tips and tricks in Titanfall.
Beginners Tips:
How to Get a High KD in Titanfall:
Stay Alive Longer:
You need to make sure the following ports are not blocked. This will ensure that you have lag free connection.
All Players
TCP/HTTP: 443; 25000-25099; 30000 – 30099
UDP: 8125; 25000-25099; 30000 – 30099
Xbox 360 and Xbox One players
UDP: 53; 88; 3074
TCP: 53; 80; 3074
Stuck at loading screen:
Make sure you have the correct ports as shown above. Also make sure that your anti-virus/firewall is not blocking the game.
Error 0xc000007b:
This is an odd issue that can be resolved by repairing your Microsoft office.
Command Line Tweaks:
-novid 1
Disables the startup movies
-nomenuvid 1
Disables the looping movie at the main menu
-noborder 1
Disables the borders in windowed mode
+cl_showfps 1 or 2
Displays the game fps stats, 1 is on the top right and 2 is top left
-noforcemspd 1
Uses desktop mouse speed settings
Changes language, unknown paramaters
Error: 196620:0
Delete temporary files via Origin.
Crash due to KERNELBASE.dll Error:
Check this link. May fix the issue for you.
Note: This guide will be updated once we have more information about the game.