There was never any doubt in our minds that Arthur Morgan was going to be at the very top of this list. In our minds, nobody even came close. Before Red Dead Redemption 2 launched, everyone found it incredibly hard to believe that any character would be able to even come close to the beloved John Marston. The fact that Arthur Morgan did far, far more than that still surprises us. Roger Clarke’s unforgettable performance and Rockstar’s masterful writing came together and gave us a character we’ll never forget. His struggles, his personal narrative arc, his tragic fate, his friendships and rivalries- all of it instantly turned him into one of the brightest highlights in a game that was full of them. Even people who don’t particularly enjoy Red Dead 2’s gameplay (and there’s no shortage of such people) will tell you that Arthur Morgan is one of the best protagonists in games to date. On that, everyone agrees. It is impossible not to.