Games are getting bigger and bigger, with more and more things to do. Open world games are some of the most exciting titles being released today, and the next several years will have some of the largest and most exciting worlds we have ever explored. Here are the 20 Open World games that we are most excited for in 2016 and beyond.
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Horizon: Zero Dawn
Guerrilla Games is known for developing the Killzone franchise, a series of first-person shooters that are known for their beautiful graphics and tight gunplay. The studio is now leaving the realm of linear shooters for wide-open planes and desolate cities. Set a thousand years after an apocalyptic event, Horizon: Zero Dawn sets the player loose among glowing green forests, long-forgotten cities, and machine controlled wastelands. With dynamic combat, RPG elements and a compelling narrative, Horizon will offer a new, unique experience in a world that no one has braved before.