For all the talk of single player games dying, there has been a dearth in single player focused games lately. This year at E3 we got to see plenty of those games in action for ourselves, including a few new ones. Now that some of these games have been revealed, and we have more info on some others, we figured now is the perfect time to present our list of the Top 30 upcoming single player games to keep an eye on.
God of War
After three numbered games and countless spin-offs, the franchise is getting a soft reboot. A new camera angle, a focus on Norse mythology, and of course Kratos has a son accompanying in his adventures now.Sony Santa Monica is really radicalizing the series by putting a bigger increase on narrative this time around, taking a leaf from Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us playbook. Dedicated fans of the series might not be happy about these changes, but if it tells a great story, who cares if it’s not exactly the same?