As gamers, we just love to destroy things in video games. It makes sense- the primary method of interaction in the medium still remains, on various forms, us destroying something or someone in some form or the other. Blowing things up or watching things just crumble is half the fun- a game like Grand Theft Auto, Battlefield, or even The Legend of Zelda would not be half as fun as it is were it not for the unexpected things in the environment that are subject to your destructive whims. In this feature, we look at some of the very best games that let us wreak havoc.
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Note: List is in random order
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 2 had some great potential to be a great game. However fainting from the malaria every 45 minutes was a damn headache. But that aside, it was quite fun to just burn things and destroy everything you come across. Far Cry 2 really set the bar high in terms of destructibility to the environments, and while Far Cry 3 and 4 upped the ante, what Far Cry 2 managed in its time, given the technology and expectations, is nothing short of astounding.