Warhammer 40K: Space Marine Upcoming Patch Details

Posted By | On 15th, Sep. 2011

THQ have released a list of all the changes for the upcoming patch for Warhammer 40K: Space Marine. You can check the entire list of changes below.

We recently reviewed Warhammer 40K: Space Marine and you can check that out over here.


PS3 Matchmaking Issues:
We have completed testing on the patch and have resolved the issue. We are doing everything we can to get this patch released on PSN as soon as possible.

PS3 NAT Issues:
This is a UI bug and is not something that is affecting your online performance. We have a fix coming to resolve this improperly reported error in the upcoming patch.

Multiplayer & Singleplayer Progression Reset:
Make sure to enable Steam’s Cloud Option on your system to allow your rank to keep tracking. We understand the Challenges are still not tracking properly and have a patch in the works to address the issue.

Steps to turn on Steam Cloud:

1.) Open Steam
2.) Click the Steam Option int he upper Left
3.) Select “Downloads + Cloud”
4.) Click the Box labeled “Enable Steam Cloud”

Against All Odds” Progression Issue [PC]:
We are aware of issues players are seeing with this level. A lot of the issues seem to steem from systems that do not meet minimum specs requirements, But we are also getting reports from users who exceed those requirements. We are looking into this issue and are trying to nail down the problem. if you are seeing this issue, feel free to post your Dxdiag report here: http://www.spacemarine.com/forums/topic/4110 – Also when posting on the forums please avoid using Internet Explorer as it forces the text into a massive wall of content.

Mic Always On PC Issue:
We are implementing a “Mute All” button in the upcoming patch. This will also disable the audio data traffic to allow better ping rates while playing. Currently muting players in the lobby will also allow you to obtain better ping rates as it disables the signal of those audio feeds.

Iron Halo / Shield Boost:
During the campaign a few users have noticed the graphical glow and change in visuals on the Iron Halo might disappear after saving the game and returning. Our team is aware of the issue and is working out a fix for this. The actual shield boost is still present and you still benefit from the boost, but the graphics are not displaying properly.

Achievement Unlocks:
We are aware of a handful of achievements that are not unlocking properly. We are looking into these issues and should have an update soon.

– Master Crafted: See Here: http://www.spacemarine.com/forums/topic/5991
– None Can Stand Before You – We are looking into why this is not unlocking for some users.

Pre-order Skins Not Showing Up / Working:
Steam Skins are now showing up within the Customizer. In regards to BestBuy & GameStop codes, you need to redeem those with the code they provide you. Both Console and PC users who purchase the retail copy of the game (In a Local store or online) should be provided a redeem code for their skins. We have verified all retailers have gotten delivery of their codes and should have them for you at the local stores or their online support numbers.

Graphic Issues & Flickering:
Please review this thread: http://www.spacemarine.com/forums/topic/4685

Matchmaking on PC:
The main PC Matchmaking issues have been addressed. We are also in the works to provide an update to allow the system to run even smoother across the board. We plan to release this update in the upcoming PC patch.

Matchmaking on Xbox 360:
We will be applying the same patch to enhance the functions of Matchmaking on Xbox 360.

Devastator Heavy Bolter Glitch:
We are aware of the setting up & flying glitch and it will be patched in the upcoming PC patch.

Veteran Helmet Unlock:
We are aware of the helmet unlocking prematurely and have address this issue on all 3 platforms.

Killing Blow – Thunderhammer & Maul
Many users have been talking about the “Killing Blow” and how it is not always a one shot kill. Well it won’t always be… Why you ask? Space Marine takes in consideration of glancing hits, so you might think your hit was perfect, but if you’re not straight on with the enemy it will calculate as a glancing blow and do secondary damage.

PC Sound & Lag Issues:
We are very much aware of the issues the community has repeorted in regards to lag, sound stuttering and overall sound issues. We are still working to reproduce these errors within all our QA facilities. Most of these issues have been resolved with some simple driver updates, but we are also aware that some users are not having success with new drivers.

Loadout Issues:
We are aware of a bug that has been forcing Assault selections to be Tactical selections. We are working to address this issue.

Source: Press Release

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