Wasteland 2 Mega Guide: Attributes, Skills, Locations, Weapons, Gear And More

A complete guide for Wasteland 2.

Posted By | On 26th, Sep. 2014

Wasteland 2 Mega Guide: Attributes, Skills, Locations, Weapons, Gear And More

Using this Wasteland 2  guide, you will be able to find out tips and tricks for using various weapons in the game. Furthermore we have a buying/selling, weapon smithing, upgrades, grades and combat guide. You will also find companions attributes, skills, level equipment, and their locations guide.

We also take a look at character/party creation, mapping items & skills, unlocking electric locks,  Titan Tribute (All Sludge Locations), powerful early companion and shovel location, Scotchmo’s Stash location, Radioactive Mushrooms Location (Rail Nomads Camp), Manny’s Stolen Chips (Hollywood),  Santa Monica Buried Treasure Location and Manny Wong’s Photos Location (Evidence Against Manny).

Weapons and Gear Guide:

Assault Rifle: Tier 3 has excellent armor penetration and damage which can result into ammo conservation. You will find tons of ammo around and they often use 5.5 mm ammo.

Sniper Rifle: Other than their obvious range, the tier 4 rifle has maximum impact. Again, the ammo for these are plentiful. They use 7.62mm for tier 4 sniper rifles..

Shot guns: They have extremely low damage early on but as you level they will become much more useful. It’s best to stick with Assault Rifle when you begin the game.

Blunt Weapons: You may gain access to blunt weapon at tier 3. You should buy the crow bar as soon as possible as it has a high armor penetration.

Buying and Selling: Try and visit vendors  after map transition. They will most likely be restocked with new weapons.

Weapon Smithing and upgrades: Remove any weapons  that you don’t use. Once you get a higher weapon smithing skill as this will result into more scrap parts which will eventually result into more upgrades. There is only one downside though, scrap parts weigh more than the weapon you stripped. Make sure you upgrade your ranged weapons to have a long barrel, sturdy magazine, and long range scope.

Gearing Up: Try and wander in the South East corner of the map. This may result into encounters with enemies that have Tier 3 weapons i.e. M16s and Hatchets. This will ensure that you will be able to fight off the robots that have high armor.

Combat Tips: 

  • Try and ambush enemies when they are not in range.
  • Attacking while crouching will result into 10% extra chance of a hit.
  • Killer robots needs to be destroyed before they get too close.

Companions Attributes, Skills, Level Equipment, Locations Guide: 

Corran Cain

Attributes: Coordination 5 Luck 2 Awareness 5 Strength 7 Speed 4 Intelligence 3 Charisma 2

Level: Level 6, AP 8, Initiative 12, Weight 129, MAXCON 65

Key Skills: Bladed Weapons 3, Demolitions 3 and Kiss Ass 1

Equipment: Hatchet

Location: Chaos Ending

Dan Q

Attributes: CO 2, LU 3, AW 4, ST 2, SP 3, IN 7,CH 7

Level: Level 6, AP 7, Initiative 10, Weight 69, MAXCON 40

Key Skills: Barter 1, Handguns 1, Perception 1, Smart Ass 1

Equipment: .38 Revolver with 24 rounds

Gary “NaCl” Wolfe

Attributes: CO 8, LU 3, AW 4, ST 2, SP 3, IN 7, CH 1

Level: Level 6, AP 10, Initiative 10, Weight 69, MAXCON 40

Key Skills: Computer Science 1, Perception 1, Safecracking 2, Sniper Rifles 2

Equipment: Bullpup Sniper Rifle

La Loca

Attributes: CO 6, LU 2, AW 6, ST 5, SP, IN 2, CH 2

Level: Level 1, AP 9, Initiative 13, Weight 105, MAXCON 29

Key Skills: Brute Force 2, Outdoorsman 2, Shotguns 2

Equipment: Pump Shotgun,

Location: Ranger Citadel


Attributes: CO 4, LU 2, AW 5, ST 5, SP 3, IN 8, CH 1

Level: Level 8, AP 9, Initiative 11, Weight 105, MAXCON 64

Key Skills: Alarm Disarm 2, Brawling 3, Computer Science 3, Kiss Ass 1

Equipment: Lexcanium’s Bionic Arm

Location: Damonta

Pizapi Joran

Attributes: CO 5, LU 2, AW 3, ST 4, SP 3, IN 7, CH 4

Level: Level 6, AP 8, Initiative 9, Weight 93, MAXCON 51

Key Skills: Computer Science 2, Energy Weapons 3, Mechanical Repair 3, Perception 2,

Equipment: Laser Carbine

Location: Darwin Village


Attributes: CO 4 LU 2 AW 4 ST 6 SP 4 IN 4 CH 4

Level: Level 5, AP 8, Initiative 11, Weight 117, MAXCON 56

Key Skills: Alarm Disarming 2 Blunt Weapons 3 Mechanical Repair 2 Perception 1 Toaster Repair 1

Equipment: Extra ST Pain Relievers, Wooden Staff

Location: Rail Nomad Camp


Attributes: CO 6 LU 4 AW 6 ST 2 SP 4 IN 4 CH 2

Level: Level 1, AP 8, Initiative 13, Weight 69, MAXCON 20

Key Skills: Assault Rifles 2 Computer Science 2 Mechanical Repair 2

Equipment: M1 Rifle

Location: Ranger Citadel


Attributes: CO 5 LU 4 AW 5 ST 2 SP 4 IN 8 CH 2

Level: Level 3, AP 8, Initiative 13, Weight 69, MAXCON 28

Key Skills: Field Medic 2 Handguns 2 Surgeon 2

Equipment: Pain Relievers Rose’s Notebook Rose’s Thorn

Location: Ag Center


Attributes: CO 4 LU 6 AW 4 ST 6 SP 4 IN 2 CH 2

Level: Level 6, AP 8, Initiative 11, Weight 117, MAXCON 62

Key Skills: Barter 2 Bladed Weapons 2 Safecracking 2 Shotguns 2 Smart Ass 2

Equipment: Coach Gun

Location: Rail Nomad Camp


Attributes: CO 5 LU 2 AW 5 ST 7 SP 4 IN 3 CH 2

Level: Level 6, AP 8, Initiative 12, Weight 129, MAXCON 65

Key Skills: Bladed Weapons 3 Brute Force 3 Demolitions 2

Equipment: Pickaxe

Location: Leve L’upe Mine

Vulture’s Cry

Attributes: CO 4 LU 2 AW 6 ST 2 SP 6 IN 2 CH 6

Level: Level 5, AP 7, Initiative 14, Weight 69, MAXCON 28

Key Skills: Animal Whisperer 2 Brute Force 1 Field Medic 2 Kiss Ass 2 Outdoorsman 2 Perception 1 Sniper Rifles 2

Equipment: G43-W Pet Rock Unusual Bow

Location: Highpool

Angela Deth

Attributes: CO 8, LU 1, AW 6, ST 4, SP 6, IN 4, CH 2

Level: Level 14, AP 10, Initiative 14, Weight 93, MAXCON 91

Key Skills: Assault Rifles 6, Brute Force 5, Blunt Weapons 3, Hard Ass 3, Outdoorsman 2, Weaponsmithing 2

Equipment: M1-1 Carbine, 10 7.62 Rounds, Ace’s Wrench, Faded Letters, Pain Relievers and a Canteen.

Location: Ranger Citadel near gate

Ashley Brygo

Attributes: CO 6, LU 2, AW 6, ST 2, SP 6, IN 4, CH 2

Level: Level 1, AP 9, Initiative 14, Weight 69, MAXCON 20

Key Skills: Heavy Weapons 2, Sniper Rifles 2, Submachine Guns 2

Equipment: Greaser with .38 Caliber Rounds (30), Hunting Rifle with .30-06 Rounds (20)

Location: Ranger Citadel


Attributes: CO 6, LU 3, AW 3, ST 8, SP 5, IN 2, CH 2

Level: Level 7, AP 9, Initiative 12, Weight 93, MAXCON 56

Key Skills: Blunt Weapons 6, Hard Ass 3, Brute Force 3

Equipment: Crowbar, Extra ST Pain Relievers

Location: Rail Nomad Camp

Character/Party Creation Guide:

How To Map Items & Skills To Quickbar:

How To Unlock Electric Locks:

Titan Tribute (All Sludge Locations):

Powerful Early Companion And Shovel Location:

Scotchmo’s Stash Location:

Radioactive Mushrooms Location (Rail Nomads Camp):

Manny’s Stolen Chips (Hollywood):

Santa Monica Buried Treasure Location:

Manny Wong’s Photos Location (Evidence Against Manny):

Note: This guide will updated once we have more information about the game.

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