As a follow up to What’s Your Gamer Drink? we at GB decided to do a roundup of Gamer Snacks. Keeping yourself hydrated is important, but keeping yourself fed is just as important during extended playthroughs. So when you’re fragging dudes, enduring horrible lag during Modern Warfare or just waiting for a load screen to go away, you had better keep your energy up and your hand firmly on the controller.
Top Tips
- Size- If a snack requires two hands to eat, you may as well be at the dinner table. If can’t keep at least one hand on the joystick you are stuffed.
- Messiness- If a snack oozes some form of hot sticky liquid, it’s a definite no-go. Having once spilled honey on a controller, I can tell you it takes weeks to get it off.
- Filling- Your snack needs to be something that fills you up, otherwise it’s not doing the job. If you eat 10 tons of snacks but are still hungry, again, you may as well sit down for a proper meal.
Gamer Grub
- Taste: 7/10
- Ease of eating: 8/10
- Crumbs: 10/10 (more means less crumbs)
- Price: 4/10
Gamer Grub is a new packaged brand that promises, “Great tasting flavours, no keyboard crumbs, no greasy fingers”. Sounds great doesn’t it? In actuality- it’s not bad. The ultra-packaged snack comes in four flavours; Wasabi, Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Jelly or Pizza. Yes. Pizza. Not as disgusting as it might sound, especially the PB+J ones. However, you might want to pick up a bag of this stuff just for the novelty value. Gamer Snack Score: 7/10
- Taste: 9/10
- Ease of eating: 10/10
- Crumbs: 7/10
- Price: 7/10
Can definitely be eaten with one hand, and comes in a variety of lovely cheesy and sugary flavours. However, it does leave some crumbs on your fingers and is usually very greasy. Corn kernels also have an annoying habit of getting into just about every crevase. And unfortunately, popcorn isn’t very filling. Gamer Snack Score: 8/10
Nachos and Cheese
- Taste: 10/10
- Ease of eating: 4/10
- Crumbs: 4/10
- Price: 6/10
Nachos and cheese taste very, very good. There are few things in this world that taste quite like a couple of warm nachos smeared with hot cheese. Unfortunately, there is a large chance of getting cheesy fingers which do not go well with controllers. However, this snack makes itself much more appeaing by being quite filling. Gamer Snack Score: 6/10
Beef Jerky
- Taste: 9/10
- Ease of eating: 8/10
- Crumbs: 8/10
- Price: 5/10
A personal favourite of mine, beef jerky leaves little to no crumbs and can be quite filling. Even better, it lasts for ages because you can simply chew on it. Gamer Snack Score: 9/10
- Taste: 7/10
- Ease of eating: 9/10
- Crumbs: 10/10
- Price: 9/10
Nuts are one of the best gamer snacks. They are cheap, they taste good, they are really filling and leave no crumbs. The one annoying thing is that they are usually pretty greasy. Gamer Snack Score: 10/10
Fruit and Vegetables
- Taste: 6/10
- Ease of eating: 6/10
- Crumbs: 7/10
- Price: 10/10
Mostly for the health conscious gamer, fruit and vegetables are pretty good as a snack. They fill you up, they are cheap and the mostly taste pretty nice. They aren’t greasy and they don’t leave crumbs, but they are juicy. Juice on keyboard= bad. Gamer Snack Score: 5/10
- Taste: 10/10
- Ease of eating: 8/10
- Crumbs: 7/10
- Price: 5/10
Pizza is a great tasting, filling, small snack. It requires little to no preparation (unless you are making it from scratch) and can be very easily eaten with one hand. Just watch out for those rogue slices of salami. Gamer Snack Score: 9/10