The licensed game is one of those evils of the gaming industry that is decried and lambasted at length by almost everyone involved in gaming. As if games based on movies aren’t bad enough, it seems that games of TV shows are an even greater evil. It isn’t all hopelessness and despair however, as there are a few gems to be found if you know where to look. Read on for ten of the best games based on TV series.
1. Dragon Ball Z Budokai/Budokai Tenkaichi Series
No list on this topic could thrive without a few anime games, and seemingly no anime games would exist were it not for Akira Toriyama's Dragonball Z. There have been some truly awful DBZ games over the years, but the Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi series offered three solid entries each, with every subsequent game offering more characters, tighter gameplay and more of the super saiyan action you know and love. The debate rages on about which series is better, thus my belligerent fence sitting by naming both series in the same entry. The Budokai games offer 2D fighting action, and the Budokai Tenkaichi series sports 3D gameplay, so take your pick based on which one you prefer.