With Sony revealing the future of gaming with a press event last week, they have taken up the lead with media coverage and have successfully garnered attention in the gaming industry and community. With incoming reports indicating that Microsoft will be revealing their next iteration of the Xbox in April, things are apparently getting hot.
But that does not worry Jack Tretton, the chief executive officer of Sony Computer Entertainment America.
“We’ve always had different competitors. We were in the space before Microsoft and we may be in the space after Microsoft. We’ve seen competitors come and go,” he said.
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However he admits that he is mindful of what they are doing but that will actually translate in to the betterment of the industry. “I think we are mindful of what they do and quite frankly we think that anything that adds tension and success in the gaming industry is good for us. So we are aware of the competition but we are kind of marched towards our own strategy. And we are very confident that holiday 2013 is a great time to bring out the PlayStation 4,” he said to Businessweek.
It will be interesting to see what Microsoft has in store during that rumored event in April. This year’s E3 will definitely be interesting to see.
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