The PS4K is an exciting and bold new step forward towards the future of gaming consoles– however, it is a first, and that means that there will be those who will oppose it simply because it represents change. Apparently, that number includes a fair number of developers.
Industry insider Colin Moriarty, who has his pulse on the PlayStation development community, has revealed that ‘most developers’ are apparently unhappy with the PS4K- it sounds like they don’t appreciate being given another SKU to develop for, especially since consoles are supposed to be their respite from shifting base specs by giving them one frozen standard to work with.
On my part, I do appreciate the PS4K, and what it represents, though I also feel that Sony have been far too conservative with the update, and that the PS4K won’t represent any real performance benefits, thanks to Sony’s conservatism. But then again, baby steps- let’s hope the PS4K is just a trail blazer for other, bolder consoles to follow.
A trusted source tells me most developers are not happy with PS4.5, and having to develop around it. Extra cost, planning, other nonsense.
— Colin Moriarty (@longislandviper) April 19, 2016