Monster Hunter Rise – Rampage Quests
Ahead of the release, The Rampage was fairly hyped up in Monster Hunter Rise. It was eventually revealed to be a tower defense-like mode where players set up turrets and traps, defending against waves of monsters while protecting the village’s gates. Initially, it seemed like a fun alternative to the traditional hunting formula. However, subsequent quests highlighted just how clunky the whole thing felt with some elements like Apex Monsters feeling downright awkward to deal with.
Also, while it was mandatory during key points in the story, Rampage Quests could mostly be ignored. Yes, there were some decent weapons to obtain – like the Rampage Hunting Horn – but you could easily ignore a lot of it with no consequence (which was especially sad given the lack of endgame content at release). The fact that Sunbreak is out and Capcom outright ignored everything about The Rampage, right down to the Ramp-up mechanic, says it all.