Achievements are a strange phenomena in gaming culture. Some of us obsess over them. Others couldn’t care less when they pop up. But every now and again, you’ll come across and Achievement that will make you think “Wow, now that’s pretty stupid”. Whether it’s something so insignificant or easy as to not warrant the term “achievement” or something insanely tough to the point of ridiculousness, let’s take a look at the 10 dumbest Xbox One Achievements out there.
Would You Like Some Crumpets With That? – Injustice 2
NetherRealm’s Injustice 2 is one of the most complete fighting games to release this year, providing a great campaign with excellent voice acting and characterization, an awesome roster of fighters and the Multiverse mode to keep players busy for hours. As you’d expect, there would be Achievements related to each character like winning a match with Wonder Woman with the final hit dealt by a Meter Burn Lasso of Truth.
Or how about Supergirl beating Superman after hitting 20 Kryptonian Lasers? However, perhaps the dumbest – and easiest – Achievement to unlock is “Would You Like Some Crumpets With That?” It’s very simple – just duck 10 times in a row during a single match. No, seriously. That’s it. It’s the video game equivalent of Duck Duck Goose.