Video games have come a long way since their humble beginnings, and modern games have proven to be the ultimate amalgamation of art and technology. Games use techniques like motion-captured animations, photogrammetry-based textures, and ray-traced lighting to deliver fictional vistas that don’t look too different from real life. But for all the advancements in graphics rendering, games still have a long way to go when it comes to imitating the functioning of real life. Games are guilty of featuring some completely nonsensical logic that can be frustrating and hilarious at the same time, and this feature will run down 10 such instances.
Characters Taking Hundreds Of Bullets In Gameplay But Dying From A Single Shot In A Cutscene
Most action-adventure games are guilty of featuring this nonsensical logic; we often see that your ally can easily take hundreds upon hundreds of bullets to the chest without batting an eye – but that very same character will die from a single grazed bullet in a cutscene. Developers intentionally choose to make AI companions invincible to enemy bullets because the programming logic driving these character bots isn’t sophisticated enough to make its way through entire rooms filled with enemies – but hopefully, that will change in the near future which will mark the end of this particular ludonarrative dissonance.