Many antagonists have a clear motive, opposing the player in various ways for the sake of evil. Some aren’t nearly as cut and dry though – their motivations are complex and oftentimes, when the hero can seemingly do no wrong, they can have a solid counterpoint or two. Let’s take a look at 10 villains who are like this and whether they were ultimately justified.
N – Pokemon Black and White
In many ways, you have to feel for N. Orphaned at a young age and raised by Pokemon, he would have very little interaction with humans aside from Ghetsis (who would claim to be his father for his own nefarious ends). Though he doesn’t have much animosity towards the player, a lifetime of seeing Pokemon hurt by humans skewed his perceptions. N dreamed of having separate worlds for both species, letting Pokemon live in peace without any interference from humanity. Unfortunately, this was all a ploy by Ghetsis to get Zekrom/Reshiram on his side and reign over the world. Despite being the one manipulated, N would eventually apologize and return in the sequel to help the player out.