Shortly after the aforementioned TGS stream, Capcom unveiled the opening movie for World Tour, Street Fighter 6’s story mode (which we’ll get to in a bit), which revealed the remaining seven characters in the game’s launch roster of 18. Three of these are names that fans of the series will be very familiar with- Dee Jay, Cammy, and Zangief. In addition, four completely new additions to the series were also shown. These newcomers are JP, Marisa, Lily, and Manon. It’s worth noting that the game’s full launch roster is missing four characters that were mentioned in a previous leak (a leak that was confirmed to be legitimate by Capcom, incidentally)- namely, Akuma, Rashid, Ed, and newcomer AKI. Whether or not these will be confirmed later on, or if they will be added to the game as post-launch DLC, remains to be seen. As things stand right now though, Street Fighter 6 will launch with the 18 characters we’ve spoken of here.