Sony have taken the plunge, seizing the moment with their PS4 reveal last Wednesday. In a climate where gamers are becoming increasingly impatient waiting for next gen, Sony have caught onto this momentum well. Sure, we’ve had the Wii U already, but it doesn’t really feel next gen yet, does it?
No, the PS4 was good news for tired ears, but the fight is not over yet. Certainly the Sony event on the 20th unveiled a host of pretty awesome games, but a console’s success cannot ride on the back of a handful of games alone. We need more, a sustainable release calender that will justify our investment in Sony’s new hardware. They are currently riding the waves of the announcement, but Sony will need to capitalise on E3 as the place to announce more awesome games for their new system.
We already know some of the developers who are working with Sony on the system, so here are our picks for ten titles that may get announced in June. Some are obvious, but we’re holding out for a few surprise announcements.
1. Uncharted 4

The Uncharted series has been too profitable and too enjoyable for Sony to just leave it stone cold dead. Naughty Dog have always pushed the limits of Sony hardware with the series, so we can only hope they'll be doing the same with the PS4 going forward. Certainly their time is being taken up with The Last of Us at the moment, but E3 will be a perfect time to tell us that Uncharted 4 exists, even if it is still in the very early stages of development.