It’s easy to jump to conclusions about certain games, especially when you haven’t played them for yourself. Some games could easily be considered terrible, dull or downright doomed at first glance. Things aren’t always how they seem and predictions don’t always come to pass. So let’s take a look at 14 of the worst opinions we’ve had on certain games (and how those changed).
Assassin’s Creed Origins – “Is That Really It?”
Assassin’s Creed was officially “on a break” before the reveal of Origins and Ubisoft was apparently retooling the series. When it was officially revealed at E3 2017, the response was…fine. Most of us saw the environments, the combat and the quest design and wondered, “Is that it?” Fortunately, the final game showcased the full extent of the open world and action RPG leanings. Yes, the stealth that defined the franchise was heavily downplayed but venturing across Ancient Egypt as Bayek felt invigorating, different and fun.