Man, Gaming can be a pretty amazing hobby. We may discuss, and bicker over the console wars from time to time, but I think something we can all get behind is that power games have to bring communities together, share stories we’ll always remember and create those moments that bring us all closer.
Gaming is something that deserves to be celebrated, and fan service nods to the history of a series or this pastime can be an amazing way to highlight how far we’ve come or how our characters and their stories have grown alongside our own. We would like to share 15 of our favourite moments, but of course there is way, way, way too many to fit onto a single list. In the spirit of community, make sure to share and discuss your favourite fan service moments just below in the comments. Also, last warning, there will be spoilers. Big ones, so click ahead if you intend to play anything we discuss, since these are too good to spoil for you.
Sonic Adventure 2 – Green Hill Zone
The last official Sonic game to release before the unavoidable collapse of the Dreamcast and Sega’s foothold in the console scene is still an undeniable favourite among series fans, though new players may find it hard to stomach in 2018. Should players have been crazy enough to comb through each and every level, conquer those Chao events and collect every last emblem in the game, one final stage would be unlocked. A fully 3D recreation of Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 1 became open for play as a bonus for those faithful enough to 100% the game, and a great way to put a capstone on the Sega dynasty.