Rumour mills around E3 time are always a treat to listen to. The most outlandish rumours suddenly become believable. The most logical things tend to present all sorts of twists and turns. There’s even a new console that will be unveiled this year with Project Scorpio and lord knows if it will have any worthwhile games. Exciting we tell you! But honestly, with the number of things that are constantly rumoured, year in and year out, something interesting is bound to happen at E3. Who knows – maybe The Elder Scrolls 6 is announced (which is most assuredly NOT happening by the way).
Let’s take a look at 15 games rumoured to be appearing at E3 2017, the credible reasons behind the same and whether you should look forward to them or not.
The Evil Within 2
A leaked job listing emerged as early as March 2017 about QA and translation for Psycho Break 2. Target hardware is the Xbox One and PS4. Of course, Psycho Break is the Japanese name for The Evil Within so this pretty much points to The Evil Within 2 being in development. It’s also worth noting that Bethesda VP of PR and marketing Pete Hines talked about RAGE and The Evil Within both doing well enough to warrant sequels. Maybe E3 2017 is the place where one of those comes to light? As it stands, the world could always use more survival horror games with searchlight headed femme fatales and insta-kill mechanics.