Video games are truly the only interactive medium, the only form of entertainment that makes those participating take part in the action. Usually this materializes in playing the hero and saving the day. But sometimes, games either force you to be a monster, or you just can’t help but test the game to see how awful you can be. Sometimes, after these moments, we end up feeling dreadful, like in these games.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Manhunt – Chainsawing People’s Heads Off
Manhunt might be one of the most brutal games ever made. You could put the controller down at any moment, but you just have to figure out what would really happen if you take that chainsaw and use it on that guy’s face. The game would surely only show a little blood, right? No, it shows you slowly, agonizingly cutting your target’s head off in visceral detail.